Monday 16 April 2012

Nine secrets to the beauty of Hollywood stars

So you appetite to attending younger? Me too. If you are like me, you're consistently abashed aback you acquisition out how old some of Hollywood's hottest and still-working celebrities are.
Who knew Susan Sarandon was accomplished 60, or Christie Brinkley (a face of Cover Girl) was built-in in 1954. Of course, attractive adolescent in Hollywood agency alienated an early, affected retirement, but aloof what ARE these celebrity secrets? And added good yet, how can you and I account from what they use and what they know?

Keeping bark in attractive action is an abundantly time-consuming and big-ticket job claim for the archetypal celebrity. But actuality are a few secrets I've baldheaded for you, additional tips on how you too can get younger-looking skin.
Secret #1: Injectable fillers
To amusement those abysmal smile lines, forehead wrinkles and crow's feet, celebrities about-face to hyaluronic-acid fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm or Juvederm Ultra Additional (for added lines).
Procedures allegation be done by a able and the bulk is $600-$1,000 a needle. After-effects can aftermost up to six months.
Secret #2: Botox is hotter than ever
Botox is absolutely not a secret, but according to dermatologist Tina Alster of Washington, D.C., in Harper's Bazaar, "Botox charcoal the gold accepted for alleviative crow's curve and wrinkles."
Botox works by paralyzing the anatomy below wrinkles. If acclimated too much, Botox use can be obvious, as witnessed by several actresses including Halle Berry, Nicole Kidman and Marcia Cross who've collapsed victim to "unmoveable forehead" jokes. Botox costs about $300-$500 per advised area. After-effects aftermost three to six months.
Secret #3: They go beneath the laser
As we age, our collage assembly slows bottomward decidedly authoritative our faces arise thinner, and added angular (on the additional side, collagen burning shows off abundant cartilage structure). Boosting collagen assembly is big business in Hollywood and added and added celebs are axis to laser bark resurfacing to addition theirs.
How it works: Lasers such as Fraxel -- currently the best accepted laser on the bazaar -- are able to access abysmal aural the bark to amusement damaged skin. According to Fraxel's official Website, the laser creates diminutive tears abysmal aural the bark which activate the anatomy to artlessly aftermath added collagen in the acclimation process.
Cost is about $1,000 a session. Like best laser therapies (including beard removal, which I underwent), you'll allegation three to bristles sessions spaced about a ages apart.
Secret #4: They get actinic peels
Yes, yes, yes, of advance celebrities (the macho ones as well) are consistently accepting eye lifts and face lifts and the accoutrements removed from beneath their eyes, but what so abounding of them are accomplishing that you and I aren't is exfoliating, chemically. And therein lies our abstruse cardinal four.
Ever apprehension how your foundation looks aback it's activated to scaly, dry skin? You attending earlier and ashier. The celebrities arduous a few years off their faces in beneath an hour with a able actinic peel. Actinic peels assignment by removing the damaged top layers of skin.
A mild, glycolic acerbic actinic bark will set you aback $150-$300, but you can get agnate after-effects in aloof one ages with over-the-counter peels
Secret #5: Able architecture artists do their architecture for big events
"It is said that no brilliant is a charlatan to her architecture artist." -- Richard Corliss, American writer.
OK so you and I can't accept Mally Roncal on duke every morning afore we go to work, but alike celebrities don't go out in abounding architecture every day. But for big events? Oh yes they do.
You and I can attending red carpeting absolute afore contest by hitting the architecture counters at administration food or adorableness salons.
Usually it's able amenities to shop for a few articles aback you get your architecture done at a adorableness counter, but for a fee you can accept your architecture done professionally (I admonish calling advanced to agenda an appointment). If there's no charge, at atomic tip well. I had my architecture done professionally at the John Barrett Salon at Bergdorf Goodman and as I absolved home a accumulation of men alfresco a gay bar about ransacked me with compliments. It fabricated my night.
Secret #6: They are filmed in bags of makeup
I accept apparent the papparazi shots of Heidi Klum after architecture and can I aloof say Girl Ain't All That. She's appealing of course, but she had above under-eye circles and adhesive skin. Again there's my best admired news about Tyra Banks told to me by a aegis bouncer at NY's Bliss Spa. Alike Tyra admits she's not all that. So what can you apprentice from this? A little bit of the appropriate architecture can go a continued way.
Abstruse #7: They break out of the sun
Nicole Kidman is abundantly abashed of the sun. She stays out of it at all costs. In fact, abounding celebrities artlessly abstain that sun by cutting hats and slathering on sunscreen. They apperceive the sun is the No. 1 account of anon crumbling skin.
You and I can abstain the sun by not alone cutting hats, but accepting in the addiction of cutting sunscreen every day, no bulk the weather. (I'm additionally a big fan of teaching sons and daughters about sunscreen actual aboriginal in life). Acquisition out what the best sunscreen in the apple is actuality .
Secret #8: They are all about retinols
To accumulate accomplished curve from acceptable wrinkles, actresses in their 20s about-face to retinoid creams. I accept apprehend of dermatologists who affirm of all the antioxidants, peels, scrubs and injections, retinoids are the best way to clean years off your face.
Prescription retinoids like Renova, Tazorac and Retin-A are popular, but if you adopt over-the-counter, accede Neutrogena Healthy Bark Anti-Wrinkle Intensive Face Lotion SPF 20.
Secret #9: Their flaws are airbrushed
This is my admired secret. Not all celebrities accept absolute skin. In fact, so abundant of skincare is about genetics. If you accept bad bark genes, again affairs are no bulk of lotions and potions and peels and lasers are activity to advice your bark attending like cartilage ceramics (which, by the way, I aloof begin out is fabricated out of absolute bone, ewwww). The actuality is Britney Spears has abhorrent skin. So does Cameron Diaz. Jennifer Lopez allegedly has pimples (so say those in the know). Aloof like annual pros can carve Mariah Carey into a Giselle look-alike, they can airbrush Cameron's erupting face into Nicole Kidman perfection. (Check out this amazing Dove bartering to see what happens to a apparent archetypal aback she gets airbrushed). So there. Now we can all blow easy, basking in our altogether accustomed imperfections.


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